Welcome to Micky Booth. We ask that you please review the following terms and conditions before using the site.
When you sign up to become a Subscriber of Micky Booth, your subscription will automatically renew until you cancel it. You can skip a delivery or cancel your membership at any time. However, please be advised: because we plan, purchase and order items for the Micky Booth menu in advance, both the skipping service and cancellation request require advanced notice to Micky Booth, as set forth more specifically on the Website. The cut off for homes is 3pm the day prior your delivery to skip or cancel an order. The cut off for schools, or childcare centres ( and corporate clients with a single delivery ) to skip, cancel or make any substitutions to your order is 7 days prior delivery. Corporate clients which have more than one site which we deliver to must provide 3 months notice of any cancellations of service and changes to orders must be made 14 days prior to delivery. Failure to do so will result in the full amount being charged for the full 3 months after notice has been given. If you miss these deadlines, you will be responsible for paying the applicable amount.
We do not cancel out accounts on your behalf, you must follow the steps within your account to cancel out your subscription. We are also unable to process returns on any ordered boxes past your designated cut off time or on any pre order box purchases. We're sorry, but our Gift Cards or vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash or credit. The gift card balance remains indefinitely on your Micky Booth Customer Account.
Micky Booth uses its own in house delivery drivers to deliver your produce. To maintain the highest quality of your delivery we recommend that you immediately refrigerate the items when you receive them. You as the customer are responsible for opening your box on delivery day, and proper refrigeration after your box arrives. You should inspect your package to ensure the contents arrive in a cool condition. All damage or missing box reports must be made within 12 hours of your Micky Booth delivery. Micky Booth may require a detailed explanation of damaged product, return of the damaged product and or photographs before making any credit, or adjustment to your Micky Booth account. All damage issues need to be addressed to our customer service team at service@mickybooth.com.au
If you are not home when a delivery arrives, our drivers will leave the package for you at your door. By becoming a Micky Booth customer you are authorizing Micky Booth to leave your delivery at your door, or allowing a doorman to accept the delivery on your behalf. We use the best practices, packaging and solutions to maintain the quality and integrity of your products during summer months. However, to do this we recommend that you immediately refrigerate or freeze perishable items. Ultimately you as the consumer are the main maven of your Micky Booth deliveries freshness..
In such cases of : a doorman, a neighbour, or your alternate receiver is not present at the time of delivery, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to contact you. If we are unable to reach you for any reason, the order will be left at your door. We are not responsible for missing or stolen packages, but we apply our best efforts in tracking to assure to the best of our ability the safe delivery to the rightful owner.
Anyone at the delivery address who receives the delivery is conclusively presumed to be authorized to receive the delivery. In cases in which you have designated an alternative receiver, such person shall accept the meals under all of the same terms and conditions that would apply had you accepted the delivery yourself. We do not accept return shipments, you as a customer would still be responsible for the full price of the shipment should you reject delivery.